In case many of you haven’t noticed, the world of the Big Tech giants of today’s time are clamping down on the worlds people! Now why we don’t understand the reasoning behind this ever inclusive atmosphere, make no mistake we all better take heed to it. There are over 500 companies in the US that have received Federal grants to spy on us, to lie about us, to watch everything we do, to listen to everything we say! The world of Big Brother is here guys, AI is being created under our noses without the option of opting out of it protrusion into our lives. I’m personally sick of hearing about it….Congress doing nothing about it….Government has done nothing but subvert the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to give all this power to the Big Tech giants. At this stage in the game if no one will stop them as a government institution, then clearly it’s going to be left up to the American people to fix it. We need to stop using all these products. Stop buying the phones that monitor us, stop buying the tv’s that listen to us, stop buying the household appliances that listen to us, get the Google and Amazon devices out of our homes. There has been only a few times in this countries existence when citizens legitimately should be taking matters into their own hands. This is one such instance! History is fraught with power craved lunatics subverting truth, subverting justice, subverting every aspect of your live and ultimately paying the price for it with their live. At what point does the American people say enough is enough? Amazon, Google, Microsoft, more particularly the idiot Bill Gates, Black Rock’s CEO Fink, Facebook’s Zuckerberg, and hundreds more need to pay for what they have done to subvert freedom across this planet. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is what our Bill of Rights states clearly what our governments intent for it’s citizens should be. This government is supposed to secure the rights of it’s citizens! “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.” Is this what’s going on today? Is this in any way, shape or form what our government is doing today? Stand up and hold their sorry ass feet to the fire! Give them trial by fire to serve the governed to which they were elected to do, not to pad their pockets, subvert our rights, subvert the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!