In case you haven’t noticed the world we live in these days, it’s gone nuts!! Everything that was right is now wrong…everything that is up is now down. We can offer many thanks for this new world we live in to the radical professors that teach in our elite colleges. They have brained washed generations of students since the 60’s into their radical ways and thoughts. It has fundamentally changed the way our society thinks, functions, and reacts to events around us. There’s an old saying that the cream rises to the top. Many elitists in the corporate world and government are now seeking to bend the world into their image and the rest of us don’t really matter. There is no clearer evidence of this than the World Economic Forum and the Global Warming Agenda that the hypocritical elitists are now shoving down our throats. They pretend to care about social issues, and their actions speak volumes to what they really think. They pretend to care about the environment and want to restrict population movement and world economies with high gas prices yet they snub their noses and fly around in the lavish, expensive, gas guzzling jets. I wonder when the 1% who would classify themselves as elite will listen to the 99%, who really with their buying dollars, made them elite. When will the 99% of people stop buying their products, take a stand, and if neccessary shut these bastards up. Clauss Schwab, a German no less, is leader of the WEF (Great Reset), since when do we listen to a damn thing a pathetic German has to say? Germany has single handedly been responsible for the murder of millions….why do they even have a seat at any table? Same with the Russian’s, the Chinese! Who gives a shit what any of them have to say….America First!!